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New to Instabug?

Get to know Instabug more, and have all your questions answered.

Bug Reporting and Feedback

Get to know the Instabug comprehensive In-App Bug Reporting and feedback product.

Crash Reporting

Get to know the Instabug lightweight In-App Crash Reporting product.

Instabug Report Logs & Data

Deep dive into all the logs and data that Instabug collects when sending to you a report.

Integrations & Rules

Automate your existing workflow through using Instabug's integrations and automation rules.

In-App Surveys & Announcements

Get to know the Instabug customizable In-App Surveys & Announcements product.

In-App Feature Requests

Get to know the Instabug organized In-App Feature Requests product.

In-App Chats & Replies

Get to know the Instabug dynamic In-App Chats & Replies product.

Managing Instabug Dashboard

Manage your Instabug account, apps, teams, notifications, invoices, and more.

Best Practices

Achieve more through the collection of pro tips and tricks that can help you get the most out of Instabug.


Frequently Asked Questions

App Performance Monitoring