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Marking Bug as Duplicate

Group your duplicate bugs together and take all your actions once.

Moataz avatar
Written by Moataz
Updated over a week ago

In many cases you receive the same bug report multiple times from different users, which starts to scatter your bugs list with duplicate bug reports.
Having all this bugs grouped together will help you take your actions once; Assigning it, updating its status, and checking all its conversations in one place. Here comes the benefit of using the "Mark as Duplicate" action in your bug details page.

In this article we will be covering the below points:

  • How to mark a report as a duplicate

  • How the children reports look like

  • How the parent report looks like

  • How to spot a parent bug in your list

  • How to mark several reports as duplicate

How to mark a report as a duplicate

Usually while checking your new reported bugs, you start to realize that this bug has been reported before, once you want to relate it to the other bug report that got reported before, just click on the "Mark as Duplicate" button that is on the right side of your bug details.

Once clicking on the button, you can start searching for the relevant duplicate bug.
To find the relevant bug (the one that will become the parent) you can search by the bug description or user email.

How the children reports look like

Once you mark your bug as a duplicate with another one, your bug will be listed as a child to the parent bug. You will find in your child bug a blue bar at the top of your child bug mentioning "This report is marked as duplicate bug." Clicking on "View Original" will direct you to the original bug report (The parent). 


  • You can undo this action by clicking on the "Unmark as Duplicate".

  • You can change the assignee, status or priority only from the parent bug.

How the parent report looks like

The parent bug report has all the bugs linked to it as a child. It is the master bug for all the duplicates. The assignee, status, and priority should always match with the parent. Which means, when any of these are changed in the parent bug, all the children should follow the change.
When marking a child bug as duplicate with a parent bug report that doesn't have the same status, assignee or priority, the child should automatically adopt the parent's values

Access the linked bugs

You can see all the linked bugs to it by clicking on "# Duplicate Bug" button. It will open a drawer listing all the bugs linked to it as duplicates.

If a child report has a new reply, you will see it in the parent bug. A red dot appears on the # Duplicate Bugs button and you will be able to directly reply from there.

How to spot a parent bug in your list

When it comes to the bug list, you might be thinking which bugs are listed. You can think of it as if you have three states of a bug report:

  1. Bug reports that aren't linked to any other one.

  2. Bug report linked to others as a child. (Child bug marked as duplicate to a parent).

  3. Bug report linked to other bugs as a parent (Parent bugs).

The bugs list contains only state 1 and 3. As for state 2, you can access it from the parent bugs.

Parent bugs will have "# Duplicate bugs" label in the list. 

How to mark several reports as duplicate

In case you have multiple bug reports that you want to mark as duplicate at once, you can select them from the bugs list and click on ... then Mark as Duplicate.

More side scenarios:

  • You can mark a parent bug report as a duplicate from another one. When this happens, the current parent, as well as all of their children, becomes children to the new parent.

  • In the numbers we display in the dashboard page (New & In-progress), only the non children bug reports should be counted. This means, if a parent bug report has 3 linked children, the entire family should increment the counter by 1 only.

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