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Saved Replies

Save your frequent replies and use them whenever needed instead of typing the same content several times.

Yasmin avatar
Written by Yasmin
Updated over a week ago

At Instabug, we believe in the importance of user engagement. It helps build a network of supporters and loyal customers who act as your main source of validation and information. Hence, we built some products that serve this purpose, such as the In-App Surveys and Chats. 

The In-App Chat opens and maintains a 2-way communication channel between your customers and you. This connection can be initiated by your customers from within the application or by your team from the dashboard. In both cases, your team should always aim to be super responsive to motivate your customers to communicate with you more and more. Especially in the first case, where the user was the one who took the initiative and started the process. 

After a while, you start to discover that some of the replies you send are repetitive. You type almost the same message several times. To make your process faster, we built the Saved Replies feature. Instead of typing the same content several times, you can simply save it and use it whenever needed. 

How to Create a Saved Reply?

To create a new saved reply or edit an already existing one for a certain application:

  1. Choose "Settings," appearing on the bottom-left corner of the dashboard.

  2. Then, select "Saved Replies" from the left column.

You can also create it directly from the conversations window while replying to your users.

What are the types of Saved Replies?

You can add a normal reply (just the content text needed) and also you can add a Call To Action replies.

1.Normal Replies:

This type of saved reply is sent as a normal text. To create one, you should fill in only the "Name" & "Reply message."

This can be used in many scenarios. As an example, an answer to a frequently asked question by the users or to acknowledge their messages as shown below:

2.Call To Action Replies:

You can use this reply when you want the recipient to take action.

For example, instead of just sharing a blog link, include a button that directs them to it. Similarly, if you want users to update or rate your app, adding a button that opens the store page increases the chances they’ll act.

Just tick on the box option button to add it with the "Button title" & "URL" to be directed to.

3. Automated Replies

Sometimes, you need to use the same reply repeatedly in identical situations under specific conditions. Instead of sending it manually, you can automate the process using Rules.

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