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Introducing Instabug Insights

Get to know the the different analytics available to Enterprise plan users.

Moataz avatar
Written by Moataz
Updated over 4 years ago

Seeing analytics about your application across multiple different features, gathered straight from the usage of your application.
​Here is a quick video shows you the product in action:

There are four different categories of analytics available:

  • Releases

  • Bug Reporting & Feedback

  • App Stability

  • Customers Satisfaction


See details and trends about each version you've released. Here are the kind of details you can find per app version:

  • Released: when this version released (calculated by the very first session on each version).

  • Version Adoption: see the percentage of sessions coming from this app version over the last 24 hours.

  • Crash-Free Sessions: contains similar stability metrics to the ones shown in the app stability section. This section can redirect you to the crashes page with a filter set for the particular app version you were checking.

  • Bug reporting and feedback metrics: displays the total number of incoming reports broken down by report type.

  • Customer Satisfaction: check the NPS score and total number of responses specific to the app version you're on.Β 

Bug Reporting & Feedback

Gather analytics and usage data that represent your user interaction and bug reporting, as well as data regarding the problematic areas in your application. You can also see information regarding your team performance.


You'll be able to see the following data regarding the different types of incoming bugs and the number of users that report them:

  • Total number of reports: the total number of reports you've received, broken down by the type of the report (bug, improvement, question).

  • Number of reports over time: displays the trend of incoming reports over time, broken down by the report type (bug, improvement, question). Particularly useful when trying to find whether or not to increase user engagement level in beta programs.

  • Total number of unique reporters: check the amount of unique users you've had send in reports

  • Number of reporters over time: check the trend of the number of reporters and track whether or not you're managing to engage your users more over time.

  • Engaged Reporters: see the users that interact with you the most.


Seeing the trends of the incoming reports can help you plan future releases more efficiently. Here are the different types of trends we show:

  • Number of report over time by app version: displays the amount of reports you've received and their general trends, broken down by each unique app version you've released.

  • Number of reports over time per sub-category: see the amount of reports you've received and their trends broken down by the sub-category of the report. You can learn more about sub-categories here.

  • Number of reports over time per tag: check the amount of reports you've received with their trends split by the different tags you've used.

Team Performance

Check how your team is doing using the team performance analytics. Here's what we gather:

  • Reported vs. Closed: displays the total number of open/in-progress reports versus the total number of closed reports.

  • Reported vs. Replied to: displays the total number of report that have been received versus reports that have been replied to.

  • Time to close over time: shows the median time taken to close a report within the specified time period as a trend.

  • Time to first reply over time: see the median time taken to send an initial reply to your users within the specified time period as a trend.

App Stability

This section can be used to see trends and data regarding the overall stability of your application and the percentage of sessions it stays crash-free. You can use the following data to have a general idea about how often your app crashes with users:

  • Crash-Free sessions: displays a score representing the amount of crash-free sessions your application has had.

  • Number of sessions, crashing sessions, and affected users: this data can tell you the total number of sessions versus crashing sessions, as well as, the number of uniquely affected users within a particular time period.

  • Crash-Free sessions over time: check the trends of your stability score over time to see whether your app stability is improving or not.

  • Number of crashes over time by app version: find the total number of crash occurrences that have happened, broken down by specific app versions you've released.

Customers Satisfaction

If you use NPS surveys, this section can show you trends regarding the satisfaction of your users over time. This can be particularly useful when deciding whether or not your app is on the right path. Here are the data that we capture to show this information:

  • Overall NPS: see your overall net promoter score within a specific time-frame.

  • Score breakdown by user: check the percentage of users that are promoters, passive, and detractors.

  • Score over time: shows trends regarding your NPS score over a time period.

  • Most recent 3 NPS surveys: displays data regarding your 3 most recent NPS surveys, including the percentage of users you've replied to that have responded to the survey.

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